Artist Interview: Yi Ling Lai

An interview by Blackdot Gallery

Dive into the world of Yi Ling Lai, where tradition meets innovation in a captivating exploration of art, culture, and self-expression.

1. Please share your thoughts on the ways in which your Taiwanese background has influenced your artistic practice while living and working in London.

A: I believe that growing up in Tainan, a city rich in historical landmarks and strong traditions, combined with my education in traditional ink painting and Chinese calligraphy, has given me a diverse advantage in my creative thinking and critical perspective. These Taiwanese experience and background have led me down distinct paths of thought and critical viewpoints, prompting me to assess whether I possess the ability to reflect on and integrate these traditions and cultures into my art while bringing them to London.

Living here has also driven me to delve deeper into my cultural roots and the materials I often employ which I contemplate whether the chosen materials and techniques truly align with the context I aim to convey through art. This introspection propels me to consider how to evolve and enhance my artistic practice over time. Throughout my art process, I strive to remain faithful to my cultural background while fostering inclusive ideas that transcend cultural barriers, aiming to create a language that bridges divisions.

Moreover, interacting with various individuals in this environment, I've gradually realized that my background is not merely a reminder but a catalyst, propelling me to independently ponder the relationship between traditional thinking and innovation…../Read More.../


On-Site Calligraphy Performance: KBCE


“Regenerate” Exhibition: Blackdot Gallery